5S derives its name from five Japanese terms beginning with the “s” utilized to create a workplace suited for visual control and lean production. Collectively, the 5S detail how to create a workplace that is visibly organized, free of clutter, neatly arranged, and sparkling clean. A 5S system is often a starting place for implementing lean operations.
5S in lean six- sigma is the approach that ensures smart workspace organization- known as ‘Good Housekeeping’. To be high-performing, the organizational workplace should be clean, which is guaranteed through 5S. The strategy is to engage the frontline process teams to facilitate improvement and keep out the waste daily. 5S not only helps to reduce defects and waste but also maintains improvements over the long term.
The 5S are:
- Sort: Sorting and cleaning; removing unwanted material. Red tag all unnecessary items
- Straighten: Organizing remaining items, implement visual controls
- Shine: Clean the work area as well as inspect the machinery
- Standardize: Set standards, make 5S a way of life
- Sustain: Maintaining, continued compliance
Step1: Seiri or Sort
Sorting is the first step toward good housekeeping, and the operator must revisit all the material, equipment, machinery, tools, and other resources to determine the requirements of the workplace. The resources that are required for the process need to be retained while the others need to be returned to the right department or scrapped, recycled, or sold after seeking proper authority. Critical items should be kept for use nearby, and items that are not needed shortly should be stored somewhere else. Sort the items to keep, items to reuse ( red tag them to decide whether or not to use review and decide by supervisor), and items to move to waste bins.
Example: Employees walk through the area and sort the unnecessary ofØce supplies, old fax machines, shredding machines, paper cutters, etc. and segregate the items to use and items to move to waste bins.
Step 2: Seiton or Straighten (or store)
Once the essential resources are retained and others are got rid of, a unique place for every tool and equipment should be made. This will help the staff to know where to search for what. Also, once a resource is or is about to get replenished, the same can be sourced without the waste of time.
Example: Nameplates, labels, colored tags
Step 3: Seiso or Sweep (Or Shine)
The work site should be cleaned daily such that the right order for all things is maintained. This will also foster a positive attitude and increased productivity throughout the workplace. This, in turn, will lead to better safety, and an improved ability to detect defects and wastes.
Example: Cleaning the workplace and equipment ensuring free from oil, burrs, grease, waste, etc.
Step 4:Seiketsu or Standardize
Create all the worksites consistent in all manners. Organizing and standardizing the worksite helps manage change effectively. Suppose a worker shifts from one worksite to another, standardizing the worksites will help the worker learn the new processes without wasting time and effort. Improves productivity multi-fold by standardizing the workplace. Also, see Standard Work.
Example: Creating standards for keeping the workplace, machines, and pathways neat and clean. And also make sure to implement these standards across the organization.
Step 5: Shitsuke or Sustain
This ‘S’ means facilitating training and discipline such that the entire organization follows the initial 4S. This will help to develop an improvement-oriented culture in the organization. Create a proper schedule such that everyone follows the other S simultaneously. Moreover, implementing the 5S should be the responsibility of every member of the organization.
Example: Associates 5S training, following work procedures, conducting periodic 5S audits, 5S communication across the organization, etc