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Am I Ready to Take a Six Sigma Certification Exam?

“Am I Ready to Take a Six Sigma Certification Exam? Will I pass? Do I need to invest more time or resources?” If you’re visiting this site or signing up for our newsletter, it’s a question you’ve certainly asked yourself. Here’s your guide to saving thousands of $ and hundreds of hours.

Am I Ready to Take a Six Sigma Certification Exam?

I’ve certainly asked myself this and other tough questions in my quest to achieve a Six Sigma Black Belt (notes on how I passed Villanova and ASQ Black Belt exams on the first try.)

Recently, a reader named Jack asked the same question in the comments section of my Learning Six Sigma article.

I am interested in both green and black belt certification levels and am unsure of which route to go. I currently hold a BS in Business Administration: International Business and was introduced to six sigma and covered aspects of DMAIC during my course of study. My University offers Six Sigma specific training packages but am uncertain I need to pay $2000-$3000 for additional learning that may have been covered in my degree. I am aiming to work in the video game industry and Six Sigma and Lean certifications are definitely skills that are highly sought after. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Does University Prepare You for the Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt Certifications?

It’s possible your coursework prepared you for portions of the Green Belt, but I would doubt you’re ready for the Black Belt unless you have had training and experience in project management and advanced statistics.

Do I have to Spend Thousands of Dollars to Learn Six Sigma?

Possibly. Learning anything of value will not come cheap. However, if you already have experience in Six Sigma topics, why not know for certain? Here are 3 steps that can help bend that cost curve.

Free: Review What Topics are Needed for Certification

Why not check out what is required for some of the more popular certification exams and see? There are a lot of topics. For example, here is a list of what is required for the ASQ Green Belt certification.

A list of what each certification exam requires is called a Body of Knowledge (BOK). I have the most popular BOKs listed along with links to hundreds of articles that review the essential concepts.

To see any BOK, just look at the top header under Study Guides.

These are literally the study notes I used to learn the material both to pass the exams and put the material to work in real life.

Spend a Few $ to Save Thousands of $ and Hundreds of Hours

If you are interested in making 100% certain that you’ll pass your six sigma exam, see my Pass Your Six Sigma Exam Study Guide where you get access to more than 1000 questions just like you’ll see on your green belt exam (over 2000 for the black belt!).

Once you can pass the mock exams, you’ll be able to confidently answer the question: “Am I ready to take a Six Sigma Certification Exam? You will certainly be ready to go.
