HomeLean Six SigmaComparing Lean Six Sigma Certifications: IASSC and ASQ

Comparing Lean Six Sigma Certifications: IASSC and ASQ

Introduction to IASSC and ASQ

IASSC (International Association for Six Sigma Certification): The International Association for Six Sigma Certification (IASSC) is an independent certification organization established in 2009. IASSC does not provide any training, consulting, or coaching programs. IASSC certification is one of the two largest Lean Six Sigma certifications globally and is widely recognized by major companies and organizations such as BMW, Tesla, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, General Electric, ABB, HP, IBM, Nestle, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Vodafone, and more.

ASQ (American Society for Quality): The American Society for Quality (ASQ) is one of the oldest quality organizations in the world, founded in 1946. ASQ offers consulting and training programs in over 130 countries worldwide, focusing on various aspects of quality management.

In summary, IASSC is an independent certification organization that focuses specifically on Lean Six Sigma certifications. They do not provide training but offer widely recognized certifications in Lean Six Sigma. On the other hand, ASQ is a well-established organization with a broader scope, offering a range of quality-related programs and certifications. ASQ provides training and consulting services in addition to its certification programs. Both IASSC and ASQ certifications carry credibility and recognition, and the choice between them may depend on individual preferences, industry requirements, and career goals.

Comparing IASSC and ASQ

ASQ offers open-book exams for all its certification programs, while IASSC provides closed-book exams.

Certifications in Lean Six Sigma

Certifications ASQ (Open book)IASSC (Close book)
Lean Six Sigma Master Black BeltYesNo
Lean Six Sigma Black BeltYesYes
Lean Six Sigma Green BeltYesYes
Lean Six Sigma Yellow  BeltYesYes
Certified Lean ExpertNoYes
Certified Lean LeaderNoYes
Certified Lean PractitionerNoYes

The Knowledge Covered in the Question

Mostly Similar Content between IASSC and ASQ, with ASQ covering additional topics related to organization, leadership, and team management.

Examination Fees

ASQ fees are higher than IASSC

Detailed Conditions

ASQ Requirements: Green Belt – 3 years of experience, Black Belt – completed project. IASSC has no prerequisites.

Detailed Examination Program

Yellow Belt Examination: IASSC – 60 questions and 70% passing score, while ASQ – 85 questions and 73% passing score.

Green Belt Examination: IASSC – 100 questions and 70% passing score, while ASQ – 110 questions and 73% passing score.

Black Belt Examination: IASSC – 150-165 questions (including 150 mandatory questions and 15 non-scored questions for research purposes), 70% passing score. ASQ – 165 questions (including 15 non-scored questions), 73% passing score.
