HomeFAQsCertification FAQsHow Do You Know When You’re Ready to Sit a Six Sigma Certification Exam

How Do You Know When You’re Ready to Sit a Six Sigma Certification Exam

You’ve made the decision to commit to getting your Green Belt or Black Belt. But how do you know when you’re ready to sit a Six Sigma certification exam?

I have just started training still haven’t decided when to sit the exam, Iam hoping your guide will help me to plan.

Regards, Archie (email)

Don’t study enough and you’ll fail the exam and not get your certification.

Plan too far out and there’s a chance your life gets disrupted and you keep pushing that exam date out farther and farther until it becomes never.

Remember Your Goals

The goal of learning Lean Six Sigma is to be able to provide superior results for your clients.

The goal of studying for your certification is different; your goal is to score more points than you need to pass in the time they give you to take it.

How to Ensure You’ll Score High Enough to Pass

Different organizations require different score thresholds but I think a safe way to tell that you’re ready is to take a lot of practice exams and consistently score above 80% on all of them.

That of course means having access to many practice exams and thousands of practice questions.

How to Ensure You’ll Finish the Exam Quickly Enough

The other issue is if you’ll run out of time during your exam. Again, this turns into familiarity with the material.

You should have lots of practice with any reference material you’re allowed to bring to the exam, be very, very familiar with exactly what you’ll be tested on, and of course, do many practice exams and thousands of practice questions.

How to Plan Your Studying

Now that you know that you’ve got a lot of work to do, how should you organize your work in the most effective and efficient way possible?

The good news is that I’ve written about that extensively.

