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Legitimacy of Six Sigma On-Line Exams

This week, I’m going through the mailbag and answering questions from our audience. Today’s question is from Karthick on the Legitimacy of Six Sigma On-Line Exams.

Six Sigma Six Sigma On-Line Exams vs In-Person Exams

Hi Ted, 

Hope you are well.
Given the current situation regarding Covid-19, I am starting to consider Green Belt On-Demand Web-Based exam which can be taken 24/7 from home. 

Do you or any of your students have any experience with this? I don’t think I am concerned about the legitimacy of such an arrangement but I am not sure what to expect. Should I wait for the situation to get better and just take the exam at an certification center? Any thoughts?

Thanks for all your help so far. Much appreciated.

Thanks, Karthick 

Karthick brings up a good point. Not all Six Sigma certifications are equal. So, what about online exams vs in-person exams?

How Does an Online Six Sigma Exam Work?

My understanding from people who have gone through this is that you will have to set up a measure of “virtual proctoring” via webcam & microphone.

Also, I have heard that some vendors for online exams require specific software installed to monitor their activities during the exam. This ensures – or at least inhibits – honor code violations like using Google or other non-approved testing resources.

My Thoughts on Web-Based Testing for Six Sigma Certifications

While I have a strong bias for certifications that require demonstrating BOTH practical skills AND academic knowledge, I do not have strong feelings about the exam mode.

Many certifying bodies require you to take the exam via computer rather than paper and pencil anyway. After that, the only thing left is proctoring the exam to ensure all applicants take it under the same conditions.

My Experience Taking a Distributed, On-Line Six Sigma Certification Exam

I took an online Six Sigma certification exam after completing my Villanova Lean Six Sigma Black Belt course. I’ve since earned multiple certifications for Scaled Agile Framework in an online format, and I’ll likely do further certifications online in the future.

The setup is generally simple: log in, start the exam, and go. If I remember correctly, there were specific materials we were allowed to have on hand that were enforced by an honor code.

I wrote about my experience and best practices for passing the Villanova Six Sigma Black Belt exam here. If you’re taking a web-based certification exam, consider checking it out.

As long as it’s a viable option from the certifying body, I see no reason to suspect the legitimacy. 

I have never seen a certification state whether it was conveyed via an exam completed in person or online.

Personally, I find this to be a great advancement in an organization finding ways to leverage new technology to serve their client’s needs, especially in times of emergency. Can you imagine the CTQ tree or the QFD/HOQ diagram that could have been done to illustrate this?

The exam should be identical in nature and rigor to the one that would have been provided if you were in person. 

I say go for it! 

Best, Ted

What Have Your Experiences Been with Remote, On-Line Certification Exams?

Have you taken one? Do you have strong opinions either way? Let us know in the comments below.

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